Atraskite naujas patirtis su gide Rasa!

Įkvėpiančios ekskursijos, istorijos ir savęs pažinimas.

Vasario 1 d. šeštadienį prisijunkite į ekskursiją Kopenhagoje. liko 2 vietos!

2025-01-31 - 02-02

Atraskite Lietuvos grožį su gide Rasa

Gidė Rasa kviečia į interaktyvias ekskursijas, kurios atskleis istorijas ir suteiks naujų perspektyvų kiekviename žingsnyje. Keliaukime drauge!

A tour bus promoting local attractions is driving along a street. The bus is mainly white, green, and orange with advertisements for local tours and a call to advertise on the vehicle. Inside, passengers can be seen seated, enjoying the ride. In the background, there are trees and a brick building with tall windows, giving a sense of an urban or historical area.
A tour bus promoting local attractions is driving along a street. The bus is mainly white, green, and orange with advertisements for local tours and a call to advertise on the vehicle. Inside, passengers can be seen seated, enjoying the ride. In the background, there are trees and a brick building with tall windows, giving a sense of an urban or historical area.

Apie mus

Misija. Suteikti nepamirštamą ekskursijos patirtį, atskleidžiant turtingą Lietuvos istoriją, kultūrą ir gamtos grožį. Kiekvieną ekskursiją paversti unikaliu nuotykiu, kuriame sužinomi ne tik faktai, bet ir jaučiama tikra vietovės dvasia, padedant atidžiai parinktoms istorijoms bei asmeniškam dėmesiui.

Vizija. Tapti viena labiausiai vertinamų ekskursijų paslaugų teikėja Lietuvoje, kur kiekvienas keliautojas jaučiasi įkvėptas ir praturtėjęs žiniomis bei įspūdžiais. Per įdomias, informatyvias ir interaktyvias ekskursijas siekiama kurti gilesnį ryšį tarp keliautojų ir Lietuvos paveldo.

Vertybės. Profesionalumas – gidė Rasa užtikrina aukštą žinių ir ekskursijų vedimo kokybę, nuolat tobulėdama ir domėdamasi naujausiais atradimais bei įžvalgomis. Autentiškumas – kiekviena ekskursija grindžiama tikromis istorijomis, vietinių tradicijų ir kultūros akcentais, leidžiant patirti tikrąją vietovės dvasią. Bendravimas – draugiškas ir atviras bendravimas su ekskursijų dalyviais, siekiant užtikrinti jų poreikių supratimą ir įsitraukimą. Meilė Lietuvai – skatinama didžiuotis savo šalimi ir skleisti meilę Lietuvos kultūrai bei gamtai kiekvienam keliautojui. Atsakingumas – dėmesys tvariam turizmui, aplinkos tausojimui ir pagarbai kiekvienai aplankytai vietai.

Naujasis 2025 m. ekskursijų sezonas

Pasinerkite į interaktyvias keliones su gidė Rasa ir atraskite naujas perspektyvas.

Interaktyvios ekskursijos

Kiekviena ekskursija kupina netikėtumų, istorijų ir prasmingų veiklų, laukiančių jūsų.

A white touring bus with the text 'Nashville Experience Tours' displayed on its side. The bus is decorated with balloons in white, blue, and gold. Social media handles are printed on the bus's exterior, including logos for Facebook and Instagram. The bus has multiple dark-tinted windows and is parked on a city street.
A white touring bus with the text 'Nashville Experience Tours' displayed on its side. The bus is decorated with balloons in white, blue, and gold. Social media handles are printed on the bus's exterior, including logos for Facebook and Instagram. The bus has multiple dark-tinted windows and is parked on a city street.
Savęs pažinimas

Atraskite naujų įkvėpimų ir perspektyvų, leiskitės į savęs pažinimo kelionę su mumis.

A map with the label 'TOURIST MAP' and images of landscapes is positioned on the passenger seat inside a vehicle. In the background, a person wearing a white shirt and a mask is slightly blurred, suggesting the interior setting of a van or bus with seating and subdued lighting.
A map with the label 'TOURIST MAP' and images of landscapes is positioned on the passenger seat inside a vehicle. In the background, a person wearing a white shirt and a mask is slightly blurred, suggesting the interior setting of a van or bus with seating and subdued lighting.


Atraskite įkvepiančias akimirkas iš mūsų ekskursijų.

An ornate kiosk with a decorative roof, surrounded by a cobblestone plaza. The kiosk offers services like Segway tours and draft beer to go. Outdoor seating with tables and umbrellas is visible, alongside a street lined with historical buildings under a clear blue sky.
An ornate kiosk with a decorative roof, surrounded by a cobblestone plaza. The kiosk offers services like Segway tours and draft beer to go. Outdoor seating with tables and umbrellas is visible, alongside a street lined with historical buildings under a clear blue sky.
A man in a red jacket holds a microphone on a double-decker tour bus with empty red seats. The scene captures an urban setting with a white stone archway in the background, surrounded by historic buildings and lush trees with flags lined up along the sidewalk. The atmosphere indicates a city known for tourism.
A man in a red jacket holds a microphone on a double-decker tour bus with empty red seats. The scene captures an urban setting with a white stone archway in the background, surrounded by historic buildings and lush trees with flags lined up along the sidewalk. The atmosphere indicates a city known for tourism.
A person with a floral-patterned shirt is leading the viewer by the hand across a wide, tiled plaza with a grand, historic building featuring arches and a tower in the background. Several other people are visible walking in the distance.
A person with a floral-patterned shirt is leading the viewer by the hand across a wide, tiled plaza with a grand, historic building featuring arches and a tower in the background. Several other people are visible walking in the distance.

Klientų atsiliepimai

Pasidalinkite savo patirtimi apie mūsų įkvepiančias ekskursijas!

Ekskursija buvo nuostabi! Rasa puikiai pasakoja ir įtraukia visus.

Laura M.
A poster with colorful graphics and text in a foreign language, featuring images of people interacting with 3D artwork on a wall. The main elements include individuals posing with painted gold coins and treasure chests as part of an interactive exhibit.
A poster with colorful graphics and text in a foreign language, featuring images of people interacting with 3D artwork on a wall. The main elements include individuals posing with painted gold coins and treasure chests as part of an interactive exhibit.


Nepamirštama patirtis! Kiekviena ekskursija atskleidžia naujas istorijas ir įkvėpimą kasdienybėje. Rasa tikrai žino, kaip sužavėti savo dalyvius.

A hand with a finger pointing at a colorful map, which appears to be a theme park or amusement park layout. The map is detailed with various attractions, pathways, and labeled areas, surrounded by vibrant colors and illustrations.
A hand with a finger pointing at a colorful map, which appears to be a theme park or amusement park layout. The map is detailed with various attractions, pathways, and labeled areas, surrounded by vibrant colors and illustrations.
Tomas J.

